Grade 6 - Our French and Spanish Course Electives
This PowerPoint displays the elements of our French and Spanish courses to assist families in deciding which course may be a good fit for them.
MS Electives 7 & 8 2020_2021.pdf
Attached are course descriptions for the electives offered to grade 7 and 8 students.
HS Courses for the Art Requirement - Grade 9
Descriptions for the courses that will fulfill the 1 credit art requirement for the high school diploma.
These courses are offered in grade 9, but students select them in grade 8.
K-12 Guidance Plan (Adopted by the Board of Education)
WEBSITE: Mapping Your Future
Sponsored by The New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC), this site provides career, college, financial aid, and financial literacy information and services for students, families, and schools.